National AgrAbility Project: The Toolbox at Database

The Toolbox: Agricultural Tools, Equipment, Machinery & Buildings for Farmers and Ranchers with Physical Disabilities is a resource that contains assistive technology solutions for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities.


AgrAbility: Cultivating Support and Independence For Farmer’s with Disabilities - The Independent Life | Podcast on Spotify

Chad Reznicek, Colorado AgrAbility State Behavioral Health Specialist, was interviewed on the Independent Life Podcast to explore the challenges, triumphs, and vital support systems needed by farmers with disabilities. Chad shares his personal journey, shaped by his upbringing in a farming family and his subsequent works as a therapist for high-risk youth. This unique blend of experiences forms the foundation for a deep discussion on the multifaceted needs of farmers, and the importance of familial and generational connections, and the profound impact of aligning one’s values with their work in agriculture.


Winter Workshops 2022 Videos

AG Safety Resources